What services does Hawke & Co Physiotherapy offer?

Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy offers a holistic approach to rehabilitation, encompassing Active Therapy, Manual Therapy, and an Education service. Each method is tailored to individual needs, combining exercise, hands-on treatment, and empowering knowledge. This comprehensive approach ensures rapid symptom relief, personalised care, and enduring wellness for every client.

Is Hawke & Co Physiotherapy Right For Me?

Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy welcomes a diverse clientele, primarily young to mid-adults, both active gym-goers and professionals in demanding jobs. Our services cater to those valuing health, physical prowess, and pain relief, offering targeted therapies for active, corporate, and trades lifestyles among many others.

How does the process work?

At Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy, each client undergoes a personalized assessment, leading to a custom treatment plan that includes Active Therapy, Manual Therapy, and Educational guidance. This comprehensive approach is aimed at alleviating pain, enhancing physical performance, and promoting long-term health and well-being, with special attention to individual lifestyles, from active gym enthusiasts to corporate professionals.

How long is it going to take to get back to function?

Each timeline is individual to each person and for eachinjury. During the initial consultation we will always discuss our expectationsaround key milestones for your recovery and provide clearly definedexpectations around when we will be getting back to the activities you love.

Will I have to stop doing my favourite activities?

There may be periods of time where we need to decreaseexposure to certain activities and in some cases remove it altogether. It ishowever always our goal at Hawke & Co Physiotherapy to encourage as muchactivity as possible during the rehabilitation process. It is not onlysupported by evidence, but also often aligned with the wants and needs of ourclients.

How will I keep my coach/GP/specialist informed?

At Hawke & Co Physiotherapy we place significant valueon the teams we build around our clients. We will always endeavour to contactyour coaches/referring doctor/sports teams and keep them in the loop with theprogress of your rehabilitation.

Active Therapy

Active Therapy at Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy focuses on personalised exercise and load management, ensuring specific, achievable rehabilitation goals for long-term health and self-management.

Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy at Hawke & Co. offers hands-on techniques for rapid symptom relief, reducing anxiety and movement blockages, tailored to each client's history and preferences.


Hawke & Co.'s Education service empowers clients through understanding their pain, facilitating informed self-management and resilience, forming the backbone of sustainable rehabilitation success.