

At Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy, we believe the understanding of your pain state is as important as the treatment itself. Education in this context goes further than simply dissemination of information; it is about empowering our clients with a working knowledge and tools to understand their pain state. Understanding the cause of pain and its implication is one fundamental cornerstone towards effective pain management. It forms the basis for our therapeutic care to ensure every client is approached and empowered with knowledge about their condition.

Empowering Each Other through Knowledge

The education about pain at Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy comes as a powerful tool for empowerment. It helps the client gain deeper insight into why the pain affects them in such ways and how to manage it accordingly. This understanding is transformational because it will shift client perspective from one of suffering, to one of enlightened management. Meaning equipping them with the insights they need in order to even notice what triggers there may be, what their body is doing and actually meaning when they feel that funny feeling, or see spots in front of their eyes, and take proactive steps towards pain managing. This educative role is important in instilling a sense of control as well as confidence to our clientele on their path of wellness.

Key Outcomes

  •   Providing a diagnosis around the source of your pain and understanding what movements/activities may have contributed to the sensitivity initially
  •   Creating clarity around the timeframes in which we expect to hit key milestones during your recovery
  •   Empowering you with non-exercise related recommendations around managing your pain in your daily life
  •   Decreasing the threat of the uncertainty that often comes with being in pain

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Laying a Strong Foundation to Rehabilitation

Education in the rehabilitation process at Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy seems one of its core roles with this form of therapy going by its name. It forms the base for a strong knowledgebase critical to surviving the ravages of life and time. This educational foundation ensures that the benefits due to rehabilitation are not transient but permeate every nook and cranny of the being. Clients who are well-informed on this subject are better equipped in how to cope with the ups and downs of their condition and easier to keep on track with the achievements made during the course of treatment. By having some understanding about their pain flow and the recovery process, they become an active partner in their journey towards health and optimal conditions.

Creating Resilient Clients

Building stronger and more resilient clients is at the core of our approach here at Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy. This resilience comes from an overall understanding of their pain as well as good knowledge of ad triggers, positions providing relief and even circling to expect in the future with regards to their healing. This so much depth of understanding changes clients from passive recipients of care into informed, involved, active participants in their own healing process. With all this information, the clients can empower themselves on how they will sail through their recovery with more confidence. This education empowerment is what differentiates our approach and cements in long-term success of our rehabilitation programmes.