Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy

In Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy, Manual Therapy is considered one of the cornerstones of their services. It serves a very direct and efficient purpose in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems to relieve pain. Our committed practitioners use a variety of techniques, with each focusing on providing fast relief of the pain due to various muscular dysfunctions, easing the pressure and nervous one gets due to the pain, and also facilitate great range movements. Centered around the patient, Manual Therapy is a long-standing testament of our commitment to bringing the patients immediate and demonstrable value.

Key Benefits of Manual Therapy

The effectiveness of Manual Therapy at Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy centres massively on two leveraged benefits in which it brings. First, it results in swift relief of pain, a critical issue that is of concern for patients going through any painful condition whether acute or chronic. Such an instant elimination of symptoms is not only just physical but also takes away the increased anxiety and tension commonly associated with pain. Furthermore, Manual Therapy plays a vital role in eliminating the barriers to movement. The treatment assists in mobilising and improving joint function through skilled manipulations and mobilisations that help restore mobility and increase ranges of motion, allowing the patients to actively engage in functional activities and exercise program as directed towards restoration and rehabilitation.

Key Outcomes

  •   Provision of massage, dry needling, and mobilisations that seeks to create immediate decreases in pain and function
  •   Improvement in ranges of motion that enables us to access more movement and progress exercise prescription
  •   Getting you feeling more ready and optimal for your big training loads
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Individualised Treatment Plan

There is an outright patient-oriented and personalised approach to Manual Therapy at Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy. Considering the path of recovery to be individualistic for every person, the choice of Manual treatment is arrived in a thorough clinical discussion itself. This process involves a number of critical considerations: our clinical experience, the pathology in question, prior performance with a proven treatment methodology, and very importantly, the preference and comfort of the client. Here, the collaborative and reflective approach puts into use the clinical soundness of the done treatment is not just echoed in the one doing it but becomes part of the client's ongoing experience and journey to recovery.

Client Feedback Incorporated into Treatment

In Manual Therapy at Hawke & Co. Physiotherapy shall therefore be as patient-centered as possible hence the acceptance of all forms of client feedback and preference. What is more, this comforting aspect shall also represent our treatment philosophy in that it can be tailor-made to meet require and comfort levels. The active engagement of the clients in making decisions about the therapy ensures that the therapy is effective and meets personal comfort of the clients, their expectations. This collaborative approach sets deeper understanding and trust in communication between the therapist and the client, which yields more effective outcomes of treatment and never possible more empowering experience of rehabilitation.